A few years ago, Amara’s executive director Lori Bergemann was given the great honour of being made part of the tribe in Taita Taveta County. She was named MALEMBA (a Taita name meaning Green Leaves) by the Taita Taveta county council of elders “NJAVUNGO”. She is now a member of the big families.
NJAVUNGO are the council of elders of the Taita-Taveta County a key community along the borders of Tsavo National Park. The Elders are respected and honored by their communities for their spirituality, wisdom, high intelligence, knowledge, life experiences, and teachings. Elders have a deep understanding of people and communities. Elders are highly respected and recognized for their gifts, for their love and knowledge of the land and language and for their knowledge of traditions. They help solve disputes and offer advice on political leadership among other responsibilities.
Amara Conservation has been working with the communities in different counties along the Tsavo Conservation areas, one of which is the Taita Taveta County, for close to 20 years to raise significant awareness of the vital need for a sustainable relationship between local communities and the treasure that is Tsavo.