Danny Woodley was born in 1969 in Nyeri, Kenya. His father, Bill Woodley, was one of the pioneers of Kenya’s National Parks in Kenya and one of the first Game Wardens of Tsavo and Mount Kenya. At the age of 15 Danny was already helping in the parks, including work with the Rhino Rescue Programme, and building of the Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary. Armed with a pilots license, Danny flew transports, anti-poaching operations and development projects in coordination with the British Army in Tsavo West.
Educated in the UK, he has operated within the security, environmental, crisis management and climate change fields across Africa and in South America. With over twenty years’ experience of middle and senior management in the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), Daniel has developed a multi-level skill base and gained the qualifications which have enabled him to successfully deliver large scale security and remote site projects, often in hostile or challenging environments.
Daniel has an ambitious personality, good problem solving and planning skills. He is a proven team leader with excellent communication and interpersonal skills, in particular when dealing with tribal and indigenous peoples. Daniel is well known for his work in large-scale protected areas and monitoring and management of mega Fauna.
During his many years with Kenya Wildlife Service, he was Senior Warden/regional pilot for Tsavo East Northern Area and Tana River, Senior Warden Tsavo West and Chyulu Hills National Parks. He also led regional air operations (security) in Southern Kenya and TZ/Somalia borders; led cross-border collaboration and Tsavo Conservation Area and Mkomazi management planning; created, trained and commanded the Problem Animal Management Unit and the Anti-Poaching Camel Unit for countrywide deployment.
He has done Security and risk consultancy for several Agencies, including CP and O&G exploration in East Africa, attained international certification for Occupational Health and Safety (NEBOSH), was Conservation landscape manager with Wildlife Works Carbon LLC doing feasibility studies and project design for REDD+ carbon projects across Africa.
He oversaw the construction and development of Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary and Intensive Protection Zone, and subsequent intervention programs, which included Sanctuary expansion, Elephant/Buffalo relocation, establishing the IPZ and stakeholder engagement for buffer security and monitoring.
He also ran emergency relief operations (airborne) for The World Food Program (WFP) and is also a Founder of The Bill Woodley Mount Kenya Trust
He was also Head of Mission for Kenya Airways search, rescue, recovery and investigations in Cameroon.
The list of things he has done is long: Special Assignments and Training with The Corps of Military Fire Fighters, State of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Courses included: Wildfire suppression and prevention, Search and Rescue, Mt. and Cliff rescue, Incident command systems, Coast Guard, life support and Airborne firefighting. Establish de-snaring capability and partnership with conservation trusts and create an orphan Elephant reintroduction program.
Attended Anti-Terrorism Assistance Course at the Non-Proliferation and National Security Institute (NPNSI) US Dept. State.
Kenya Wildlife Service –Assisted with logistics and aerial support during Wildlife translocations for the Hirola, Elephant and Rhino projects as well as the collection of samples for the OAU Pan-African Rinderpest campaign.
Kenya Wildlife Service overseeing park infrastructure and development, Tsavo East National Park.
Kenya Wildlife Service–Para-Military (Internal Security) Training with The General Service Unit, completed the Platoon Commanders and Company Commanders Cadres.
Attached to Anti-Bandit operations in Kenya’s Northern Frontier District and Tsavo and Tana River areas.
Remote site logistics and support operations for commercial companies and The Overseas Development Administration (British Government) in Kenya and Somalia.