While we receive grants and donations, we rely on private donations for the success of Amara.
We are extremely grateful to all our funding partners and major donors.
We could not continue the important work of conservation in Kenya without their support. Every dollar helps and please know that all donations are spent in the most efficient manner with all funds supporting real change in Kenya.
A huge thank you goes to the following:
The Annis Foundation
Cathy Barry
Dan Banda
Jonny Baxendale
Heidi Bergemann
Ralph and Marcia Bergemann
Marty Betts
Lauren Bigelow
Ilaria Borletti
Dr. Thomas Buhr
Mary Campbell
Howard Cash
Jan Dillon
Paul Dimond
The Earle Restaurant
Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund
Esther Floyd
David Froseth
Prof. Roger Graef OBE
Stefan and Kathy Graf
Mike Griffin
Rita and Peter Heydon
Howdy S. Holmes
IBM Corporation
Jerrold Jung
Katherine King
Kenya Wildlife Service
David Landau
Land Rover UK
Lisbet Rausing Charitable Trust
Kathy Korth Mordy
Kent Mordy
Maryanne Nemeth
Joseph Phillips
Diane Sansone Powell
Guy Powell
Jan Onder
Pfizer Corporation
Purdue University
Dr. Susan Richards
John Rogers
Kurt Schroeder
Pat Shure
Brian Stevens
Tom Thompson
Timothy Wadhams
Thomas Ward
Willis and Jurasek P.C.
Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan
Schiff Hardin LLP
Candis Stern
US Fish & Wildlife African Elephant Conservation Fund
Richard Van House
Lori and Danny with US Ambassador Robert Godec
Lori with Judi Wakhungu, Cabinet Secretary for the Environment