Many humans prefer to live in a place close to markets for food, easy access to hospitals when we are sick, and close to banks for money, along with other commodities that we need. We tend to forget a very crucial and natural free gift from God that gives us life.
Trees are often recognized as the ‘lungs of the world’ because they make oxygen from carbon dioxide. However, this is an understatement. If we think along the same line, trees are also the kidneys of the world as they regulate the flow and use of water by intercepting rain and releasing it slowly to the ground where it can either run off into rivers, or enter the groundwater. Other plants can then absorb it for use in photosynthesis. This absorbed water is then transpired back to the atmosphere and blown on the wind until it falls as rain somewhere else.
Our bodies need lungs to be healthy and strong. Look at the work of your lungs, our lungs perform a great job, they give life. A breathing person is alive, and the air to breathe comes directly from trees. Whatever we do to a tree, we are doing to our lungs. When we cut down trees it is like slicing your own lung. Trees help reduce air pollution both by directly removing pollutants and by reducing air temperatures.
Amara involves communities and school children to ensure we protect/conserve the trees that are left for us, and restore those that were destroyed. We are doing this through education, tree planting activities, and tree nursery management training; where we train kids how to establish their own tree nurseries. We encourage the kids to be the champions of this project in school and at home, because conservation needs EVERYONE.
No Trees No Oxygen, No Oxygen No Breathing, No Breathing No Life.